Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Blog 1 – Senior Final Lesson/Interview Reflection

1. What three lessons were most helpful for you to see, and why?

-One lesson that I found very helpful was Myles' lesson  on small animal veterinary medicine, because it showed me that having passion for your topic helps to engage the audience. JJ's lesson was also very helpful because at some points of his lesson I found that his voice became very monotone and it made the presentation more boring when he talked like that. The Astrophysics presentation also taught me that even though you have three separate answers for your EQ, because the Astrophysics lesson had answers to the EQ that built upon each other.

2. List one thing that you learned about the senior project in interviews that will help you get off to a good start?

-One thing that I learned from the interviews was that there would be times during my senior year where I have very few homework, but that this time isn't to be wasted because I can instead use that time to work on my project.

3. What topic(s) are you considering, and why?

-I am thinking about doing Paleontology because I've loved that field of science ever since I was a toddler and because I really want to explore it thoroughly as a career path.

4. What EQ do you think might be interesting to consider in guiding a project like this? (Please don't worry about any sort of formula...we want this question to come from your genuine interest).

-What is the most important thing that a fossil can tell a paleontologist about an extinct species?

5. What are some ideas you have about finding summer mentorship?

-I actually have already contacted the curator of Paleontology (who already knows me) at the museum that I volunteer at and he has accepted, but lately we've been having communication issues and so I plan on calling him.

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