Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Blog 21: Fourth Interview Reflection

Dr. Andrew Farke is a world renowned paleontologist that specializes in horned dinosaurs. He is the curator of paleontology at the Raymond M Alf Museum and has actually been mentioned in quite a few of the sources that I have used as sources for my project. 
1. What is the most important thing I learned from the interview?  

- The most important thing this interview has taught is that collaboration with different paleontologists can really help a paleontologist fill in missing gaps in their knowledge, which can help make a better restoration of the life of a prehistoric creature. Also, collaboration with a paleoartist who can bring your ideas to life is very important in communicating you view, as a paleontologist, of the ancient world.

2.  How will what I learned affect my final lesson?

- I think that I'm going to add a surprise twist at the conclusion of my presentation and say something along the lines of there's multiple answers to my question and each is as valid and as telling as the next one, but if one was to be chosen then collaboration with different peers with different specialties is the most important thing a paleontologist can do to make a the best rendition of a prehistoric creature's life.

Listen to my interview here.

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